Marguerite Henderson



My name is, uh, Frederick Hassan Pore. U m, I’m Marguerite’s oldest brother. Uh, Marguerite was the oldest of all of the siblings. Uh, it was a total of four of us. Uh, two boys, two girls. 

You know, growing up Marguerite was basically like, like I said, she was the eldest of the children.  And, um, she was the babysitter, she was the, the friend. She was everything to, you know, um, you know, if I wanted to go outside and play, you know, Marguerite had to be there. If I wanted to go to the movies, Marguerite had to be there. In, you know, the building that we grew up in, she basically was kind of like that, uh, mother figure for all of the, the kids that that grew up, uh, back then in the seventies with us.

Well, Marguerite was the type, she was straight to the point. If you needed advice on anything, uh, you know, sometimes, you know, a relationship is not going right and you, you know, the relationship is not going right.

She was to the point like, listen, we see the writing on the wall with this. You need to let this go. Leave it alone. She was really to the point. 

I would watch my sister, um, you know, she was sick going through, you know, her health issues, but she always made it a point to be at the church feeding the homeless–Just being Marguerite.

And you would never know if you saw her, what she was going through, cause she always had a smile on her face. But, she was, she was going through some tough times, but she never showed it.